Dr. Raul Bazan Leon is a family practice physician at the General Hospital in Izucar de Matamoros. Currently, Dr. Bazan Leon is leading efforts in preventing the spread of COVID-19 in the different municipalities in Puebla, Mexico and providing primary care in rural communities. Finally, he is also the lead educator in training new nurses and residents at the facility. Dr. Bazan has many experiences ranging from family practice, labor and delivery, and infectious diseases.
English Translation:
In the General Hospital of Izucar
de Matamoros, Puebla in the education department, through
teaching and research, we work together
to eradicate obstetric violence. We base our practice on the state health law
and on the NOM-007-SSA2-2016. Obstetric violence is not only physical, it
can also manifest verbally. In the General Hospital we always work towards
a humanized labor.
Subtitle captions provided by: Isabel Pintor, MSN-Entry Candidate, GANM Content Creator
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